so i have had a week full of surprises! three big ones come to mind that i would love to share with you all.
The first is that i have been accepted to study abroad for a semester in the Philippines at the end of this year. something pretty amazing, and i am so excited to do it. the university has also awarded me a scholarship to do so. talk about being a dream come true, traveling on the universities money - if they could only throw in a pair of shoes it would be a dream come true! there are so many amazing things that could come out of this trip, and i am itching to go, and could be gone for up to a year with study and traveling, so i am gonna miss my home very much.

Which brings me to my next story. i have been incredibly overwhelmed and stressed of late, and feeling exceptionally lost in the world, finding it difficult to get my bearings...so i decided to book an appointment with a medium to get some direction. now i know a lot of people find it hard to comprehend the existence of real magic in the world, but i happen to believe it is all around us, and that there are those who have special gifts. and boy did this particular one have a special gift. she knew a lot that was going on in my life, even to tell me i would be taking a short trip to the gold coast shortly, but only for about 2 days (a trip which i had booked 2 weeks ago, for exactly 2 days to the gold coast, and will be leaving for in just over a week. she also explained to me that money will not be an issue for my travels at the end of the year (to which the next day i received a scholarship and money from my uni to partake in the traveling). now for all you skeptics out there, i would say that's fair enough, and you are entitled to your belief, but i have never had someone read me so well, deep down to the personal stuff hidden inside. she was amazing and helped me gain so much clarity.

Now for my next news. i was sitting at home on a particularly lost day, and my parents came into my room with a present, congratulating me on my overseas acceptance. i unwrapped the present (took about ten minutes, it was like playing pass the parcel with myself) and when i finally unwrapped it i squealed with excitement. it was an 1800's copy of the complete works of shakespeare! for all that know me, know that i collect old copies of shakespeare, as i am a particularly big shakespeare nerd (as quoted from ten things i hate about you "we are involved")
To make my excitement heighten just that much more, there was a beautiful inscription on the inside that read "with the best wishes of an old friend". an inscription that made my heart leap out of my rib cage. i find inscriptions in books to be so wonderful. its a glimpse into the lives of the people who had once owned the book, and the life of the book itself. it sparks my imagination, and this one in particular made me melt all over the floor.
Once i managed to pick myself up off the floor i did the rounds of hugs to my parents. they are truly marvellous parents and know me so well. i couldn't ask for any more special and more wonderful (even if they do drive me bonkers quite alot), i believe its because we are carved from the same tree. thankyou mum and dad for being so freaking awesome!

So while it was a topsy turvy week in terms of stress and emotions, i have had so much beauty and given to me this week, that i can only look back on it with pure joy and being so grateful for my fortunes. i am truly blessed in this life, and i hope to be able to one day give back just as much as i have gained.
<3 Ruby
Picture 1 - http://marvelet.deviantart.com/
Picture 2 - http://m0thyyku.deviantart.com/
Picutre 3 - http://arihanna.deviantart.com/
Picture 4&5 - photographs of my wonderful book!!