there is nothing i want more in this life, than to be a gypsy. to wander through the amazing world, and to experience everything that life has for me. not to get caught up in the monotonous capitalistic life that so many do. to not have to worry about things like money and to live in a tree in a jungle somewhere or in a cave, whereever it is that the wind beckons, i'll go.
to be free and fluid and like the water, stretching to every corner of the globe. to discover ancient ways. to try new things. to live free without worry. and take only one thing with me. my camera.
i am really yearning this kind of life right now. i know its not long until i go to south america, and it will give me a taste of what i so desire, but its not enough. i feel like a bird in a cage created by society, and all i want to do is spread my wings and fly out to nowhere in particular.
the only thing i want to do with my life is to live it.

photographs by http://larafairie.deviantart.com/
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