Sunday, July 7, 2013

the ghost of adventures past

My insatiable apetite for travel has grown over the last few weeks. Whilst I am finally settling in at work and finding my niche working with high risk adolescence (such incredible kids, with such traumatic histories), I still can't help my mind wandering to the great unknown. I still yearn for travel and working in communities who have fewer oppotunities given to them. The government here can provide and fund for so many opportunities for the kids of Australia. Now I want to be able to provide opportunities for those else where. Combine my desire for social work with my ever growing desire for travel.

I have been reminiscing so much lately on the adventures that I have already been blessed to experience.

I have been busy making plans to explore and travel the world next year and have begun my savings to do so. I will explore the US, and live and work in Europe for some time before spreading my winds in South America and spending time in the communities which I so desperately want to do

I think it's time to get out and experience the joys of the world again and try new things.

There is nothing quite like an adventure...

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