I have been having those over the past few days, and each day i realise that there are even more amazing people in my life, and that i am truly blessed and lucky. Even the people who make cameo appearances every now and then can make me smile so big, that i am grateful that they have come into my life, in some form or another.
Firstly ofcourse, my family. now i know everybody always says they love their family. my family drive me bonkers quite often. perhaps that is what has happened to my brain and sanity. i do love my family. my sisters are both so different, and have each overcome giant battles in their only short lives, and for that i can only be amazed. My parents are both passionate about life, and care so deeply in their own ways. i could not have asked for parents anymore (bonkers) fantastic even if i tried.
My friends... There are so many, and i am truly lucky to have them. i think luck is the only way to say it. there is ofcourse my wonderful sally! dearest sally, where would i be without u? we shall be friends for life, and even become old cat ladies together, knitting sweaters with pom poms, and drinking tea in our rocking chairs, out of our massive collection of teacups and teapots covered in ridiculous tea cosies. What a great way to end life ey? :P

My europe girls. emmah, emma and steph. So VASTLY different. but each equally wonderful. they know ofcourse how much they mean to me. the world.
My other highschool friends, have been with me through so much, and all rock my rainbow stripey knee high socks! and now thats alot of rocking!
My work family. i love them one thousand m&ms, and each day it becomes clearer and more apparent how much they do actually mean to me, and how much i desire and am so happy that they are in my life. such sweethearts every single one of them. Kymboss, and the A-team, you are amazing.
My new uni friends. i started uni determined that i wouldn't need any new friends, but it turns out i am so glad to have found them. its wonderful to find such awesome like minded and genuine people.

To all the strangers who make me smile. to the boy at work who always is smiling no matter what, and lights up my day because i love to see someone so happy. your smile is contagious.
To the randoms on the street and trains and stores who bring their bubbly personalities into my life, thankyou for letting me be apart of it, even if only for a fleeting moment.
It's days like these that i think, gee....life is great!
nawwwww i love you!!! you are the violet to my claire :D xoxox